Legal Translation

Legal Translation

Legal Translation

Legal translation encompasses translation of any text in the field of law. Common documents of that type might include: contracts, agreements, depositions, expert reports, court rulings, codes, statutory laws, regulations, patents, powers of attorney, birth and death certificates, permits, affidavits, legal disclaimers, confidentiality agreements, licences and so on and so forth.

Who needs legal translation?

Anybody might need legal translation. You may need it regardless of whether you are a legal or a natural person, a state institution or a private organisation. You might be entering into a new contract with a business partner or a foreign employee or perhaps you are applying for a job abroad. The scenarios are countless.

Sometimes legal documents necessitate sworn translation and legalisation. This is required when the translation of an official document or public act is to be presented to an institution in another country and must be deemed valid there.


Please note that Lynx Translations Ltd. does not offer legalisation and sworn translation services.

Not all documents however must be legalised. Business documentation is one such example – think of agreements, contracts, waybills or invoices. When you need translation of a legal document and sworn translation and legalisation is not necessary, you can always count on Lynx Translations Ltd.

Why choose us?

We work closely with experienced linguists and consultants who have in-depth knowledge of the different areas of law.

We use the latest QA and computer-aided translation tools, thus cutting turnaround times and expenses necessary for the translation of your project.

We work with translation memories and terminology management systems, which conduces to the terminological consistency of your translations.

We have a quality management system in place which ensures that our translation services meet the highest standards for the industry.

We take an individual approach to every client and project in order to live up to all your expectations.